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Tax Savings: Essential Year-End Strategies for Restaurants

As restaurant operators gear up for the 2023 tax season, now is the perfect time to harness the power of proactive tax planning—a special ingredient that can turn a taxing situations into a recipe for savings. 

We are thrilled to present industry experts Kevin McTigue, Solutions Engineer Manager at Restaurant365, and William Vaughan Company Rubix Cloud’s Nicole Menden, MBA, CEO & President, and Bob Bradshaw, Partner and CPA. Together, they guide you through a unique webinar designed to provide technical insights, practical measures to maximize your year-end tax savings.

We guide you through the intricate world of tax law changes, exploring their implications for your restaurant operations. You uncover critical tax incentives and gain a comprehensive understanding of how technology can streamline your data gathering for tax preparation.

Program Description: 

Meet the Speakers

Bob Bradshaw, CPA

Tax Partner, WVC RubixCloud 

WVC RubixCloud
Nicole Menden, MBA

CEO & President

WVC RubixCloud
Kevin McTigue

Manager, Solutions Engineer